Dr Bishnu Raj Upreti
PhD (Conflict Management)
During his 36 years of professional career, Bishnu Raj Upreti has been involved in organisational and personnel management, budget management, strategic planning, projects design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation, resource conflict, community/rural development, gender mainstreaming, conflict analysis and management, security sector reform, unconventional security, small arms, social policy analysis, renewable energy issues, academic and action research, training and human resource development. He is engaged with communities to national and international non-governmental organisations, government organisations, donors and private sectors. Bishnu is equipped different participatory methodologies and planning tools. He has experiences of working in multi-disciplinary, multinational, multi-cultural and diverse geographical settings. He has teaching experiences in universities (University of Surrey, Guildford, King’s College London, University of London, and Kathmandu University) also involved in supervising PhD and MSc students. He is extensively engaged as resource person in the trainings organised by Nepal Army, Armed Police Force, Administrative Staff College, and Revenue training College for their senior officials. He is supervising post-doc researchers and engaged in conflict, peace and security related research in South Asia, he is widely quoted in national and international media about Nepal’s armed conflict. He has published more than two dozens of books, several peer reviewed journal articles and chapters in anthologies. He is actively engaged with senior policy-makers and politicians on security sector, conflict and peace. Currently, he leads two large research projects: Private Sector in Peacebuilding (an NCCR North-South and Swiss Peace Foundation led project) and Livelihoods, Basic Services and Social Protection (leading the Nepal case of the ODI/CEPA-led global research project under Secure Livelihoods Research Consortium/SLRC). Professionally, he is the Executive Director of Nepal Centre for Contemporary Research (NCCR) as well as the South Asia Regional Coordinator of the National Centre of Competence in Research (NCCR North-South).
Employment overview
Selected research project grants
- 2018-2022: Challenges of municipal solid waste management: Learning from post-crisis governance initiatives in South Asia" (Co-applicant and Nepal Project Leader) with University of Lausanne as lead organization, funded by Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF)- Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) under the Research for Development (R4D) programme.
- 2016-2018: Gender Equality, Peace and Security in Nepal and Myanmar (Co-applicant and Nepal Project Leader) with Peace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO) as lead organization, funded by Research Council of Norway.
- 2014-2020: "Feminization, Agricultural Transition and Rural Employment implement at Bolivia, Laos, Nepal and Rwanda (Co-applicant and Project Leader, Nepal Programme), with Centre for Development and Environment (CDE) of University of Bern as lead organization, funded by Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF)- Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) under the Research for Development (R4D) Employment Theme.
- 2012-2014: "Sustainable Land management in the Mountain Regions of Bolivia and Nepal in the Context of Out-Migration, Climate Change and Disaster Risks Reductions", (Nepal Leader) funded by Swiss Network for International Studies (SNIS).
- 2010-2013: SNSF-SDC- NCCR North-South funded Special Research Project "The role of transnational land investments in rural transformation" (global operation), (co-leader) with Centre for Development and Environment (CDE) of University of Bern as lead organization.
- 2009-2013: SNSF-SDC- NCCR North-South funded research project "The role of the private sector in peace promotion" (co-leader) (Asia, Africa and Latin America), (Co-applicant and Nepal Programme Coordinator), with Swiss Peace Foundation, Bern as lead organization.
- 2009-11: Research Project "Landscapes of Democracy: the cultural politics of governance in Nepal' (co-applicant and Nepal Leader) funded by Social Science and Humanities Research Council of Canada.
- 2011-2016: DFID funded project Secure Livelihoods Research Consortium (Consortium member and Nepal Project Leader) with Overseas Development Institute as lead organization.
- 2012-2015: Making Women Count for Peace: Gender Empowerment and Conflict in South Asia (Nepal Project Leader) with Peace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO) as lead organization.
Professional activities/services:
- 2007 to date: Programme Committee Member, Human and Natural Resources Studies, School of Arts, Kathmandu University
- 2012: Programme Committee Chair: Masters in Security Management Course, School of Management, Kathmandu University
- 2009 to date: Member of Advisory Board of Centre for Unconventional Security Affairs, of University of California, Irvine
- 2012: Advisory Committee Member of the International Conference International Symposium ‘Changing Mountain Environments in Asia' (7-8 October 2012 at Kathmandu)
- 2010 onward: Evaluator/reviewer: proposals and research reports of the University Grant Commission of Nepal
- 2007 onward: Research proposal reviewer: Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (WOTRO), The Hague
- Scientific Advisor: Local Peace Building Research Project of UNDP and Social Science Baha, Nepal
- External examiner for different courses/thesis from Tribhuvan University, Kathmandu University, Purvanchal University and Paschimanchal University
- 2010 onward: PhD Thesis evaluation: different universities of Australia, Switzerland and Nepal.
- 2016 onward: Chair, South Asia School of Rural Reconstruction, Kathmandu.
Reviewer (occasional) of journal articles from the following journals:
- Ecological Economics
- Energy Policy
- Geoforum Journal
- International Journal of Commons
- Journal of Ethnicity and nationalism
- Journal of International Women's Studies
- Journal of Natural Hazards
- Journal of Peace and Development
- Journal of Urban Technology
- Journal of victimology
- Land Use Policy.
- Mountain Research and Development
- Pakistan Journal of Agricultural Sciences,
- Progress in Development Studies.
- Stability Journal
Teaching and supervision:
1. Graduate courses taught:
- IWM 503.3: ‘Conflict in Water Management' (3 credit points, masters in engineering course), Nepal Engineering College, Kathmandu.
- ‘Contemporary Security Issues' (3 credit points, masters in security management course), Kathmandu University School of Management (KUSOM), Kathmandu.
- HNRS 521: ‘An Introduction to Management of Social and Resource Conflict', (3 credit points, masters in Human and natural Resources Studies, School of Arts, Kathmandu University), Kathmandu.
- Development, Governance and Institutions (DES 602) (3 credit points), PhD, Faculty of Agriculture, Agriculture and Forestry University, Chitwan
- Introduction to Peace (CHS 606) (3 credit points, PhD, Faculty of Agriculture, Agriculture and Forestry University, Chitwan.
2. Supervision of PhD students' thesis
1. Mr. Devendra Adhikari (2016-ongoing), School of Education, Kathmandu University
2. Mr. Sampad jamerkattel (2016-ongoing), on 'Conflict Sensitive Development' at Faculty of Agriculture, Agriculture and forestry University
3. Sushant Acharya (2017-ongoing) Value chain of cardamom, Kathmandu University,
4. Mr. Rana bahadur Thapa (2018-...), Renewable energy, at Faculty of Agriculture, Agriculture and forestry University
5. Ms Sunita Ghimire (2019-..), Park people conflict, at Faculty of Agriculture, Agriculture and forestry University
6. Mr. Bishnu BK (2019-...), Federalization of Agriculture at Faculty of Agriculture, Agriculture and forestry University
7. Ms. Anita Ghimire (2007-2010): Conflict-induced Internal Displacement, Kathmandu University (main supervisor)
8. Mr. Pranil Upadhayaya (2008-2012): Conflict, peace and tourism Kathmandu University (main supervisor)
9. Mr. Tulasi Sharan Sigdel (2009- 2015), Local democracy, Kathmandu University (main supervisor)
10. Ms. Rajya Laxmi Gurung (2010- ), Business and peace, Kathmandu University (main supervisor)
11. Ms. Sharah Bryne (2010- 2015), Forest Governance (co-supervisor)
12. Ms. Raj Kumar Dhungana (2014- 2018) Ethnology of violence in school as experienced by conflict affected adolescent in Nepal (co-supervisor)
13. Mr. Sanu Lal Maharjan (2011-2016) Youth in Fragile Nations: A Case of Nepal (co-supervisor)
14. Ms. Sony KC (2014-2019), Feminization of agriculture (Main supervisor), School of Arts, Kathmandu University
15. Supervised/co-supervised and or examined master's thesis of several students from different universities of Nepal, Switzerland, Netherlands, UK, Germany and USA.
1. Journal articles:
1. Thapa, R. B., Upreti, B. R.., Devkota D. and Pokharel, G. R. (2019), Prioritizing the Weightage of Sustainability Criteria and Sub-Criteria of Decentralized Micro-Hydropower Projects for Rural Electrification in Nepal. Journal of Energy Technologies and Policy, Vol.9, No.9, Pp. 14-28. (www.iiste.org ISSN 2224-3232 (Paper) ISSN 2225-0573 (Online)
2. Bishnu Raj Upreti & Sharmila Shivakoti (2018) The Struggle of Female Ex-Combatants in Nepal, Peace Review, 30:1, 78-86, DOI: 10.1080/10402659.2017.1419937
3. Richard Matthew & Bishnu Raj Upreti (2018) Disaster Capitalism in Nepal, Peace Review, 30:2, 176-183, DOI: 10.1080/10402659.2018.1458946
4. Upreti, Bishnu Raj; Shivakoti, Sharmila; and Bharati, Kohinoor (2018). Frustrated and Confused: Mapping the Socio-political Struggles of Female Ex-combatants in Nepal. Journal of International Women's Studies, 19(4), 32-52. Available at: http://vc.bridgew.edu/jiws/vol19/iss4/4
5. Matthias Bürgi, Panna Ali, Afroza Chowdhury, Andreas Heinimann, Cornelia Hett,
6. Felix Kienast, Manoranjan Kumar Mondal, Bishnu Raj Upreti and Peter H. Verburg (2017) Integrated Landscape Approach: Closing the Gap between Theory and Application. Sustainability. 2017, 9, Pp.1371 to 1383.
7. KC, Sony; Upreti, Bishnu Raj; and Subedi, Bashu Prasad (2016). "We know the taste of sugar because of cardamom production": Links among Commercial Cardamom Farming, Women's Involvement in Production and the Feminization of Poverty. Journal of International Women's Studies, 18(1), 181-207. Available at: http://vc.bridgew.edu/jiws/vol18/iss1/13
8. B. R. Upreti, B. Subedi, S. KC, Y. Ghale and S. Shivakoti (2016), Understanding dynamics of rural agriculture and employment in Nepal: Evidences from Ilam district of Eastern Nepal. Nepalese Journal of Agricultural Research, Vol. 14, No. 1. Pp. 132-141.
9. Upreti, Bishnu Raj; Ghale, Yamuna; and KC, Sony (2016). Effects of Armed Conflict on Agricultural Markets and Post-conflict Engagement of Women in Export-led Agriculture in Nepal. Journal of International Women's Studies, 18(1), 156-180. Available at: http://vc.bridgew.edu/jiws/vol18/iss1/12
10. Upreti, BR, (2014), Nationalism and Militarization in Nepal: Reactive Response or Long-Term Phenomenon?. Asian Journal of Peacebuilding Vol. 2 No. 2 (2014): 217-239.
11. Ghimire, S. & Upreti BR. (2014). Peace by Corporate Means: How Mature Is the Private Sector for Peacebuilding in Nepal? Journal of Peacebuilding & Development, 9(2), 90-96.
12. doi:10.1080/15423166.2014.947894.
13. Ghimire, S. and Upreti, BR. (2014). Wavering between profit-making and change-making: Private media companies in conflicts in Nepal. Media, War & Conflict, 7(2), 187-200. doi:10.1177/1750635214530315.
14. Sharma S.R., Upreti B.R. & Müller-Böker U. (2013), Negotiating Access to Land in Nepal. Journal of Contemporary Asia, Vol. No 44, Issue No 3. Vol. No 44, Issue No 3. Pp.521-539. DOI: 10.1080/00472336.2013.868022.
15. Locher M., Steimann B. and Upreti BR (2012), Land grabbing, investment principles and plural legal order of land use. Journal of Legal Pluralism. Issue No 65 Pp. 31-63
16. Upreti, B. R. (2012), Nepal from War to Peace. Peace Review: A Journal of Social Justice, 24:1, 102-107.
17. Ghimire S. and Upreti, B. (2012), Corporate Engagement for Conflict Transformation: Conceptualising the Business-Peace Interface. Journal of Conflict Transformation & Security, Vol. 2, No. 1, Pp 77-100.
18. Upreti B.R. (2011), Integrating Maoist ex-combatants in Nepal. South Asian Journal. Issue No 33, JulySeptember 2011. Pp. 98-109.
19. Ghimire, S. and Upreti, B.R. (2011), Community Participation for Environment-friendly Tourism: The Avenue for Local People. The Journal of Tourism and Peace Research, 2(1), 2011, pp. 55-69.
20. Upreti B.R. and Ghimire S. (2011), New Actors in New Business: Private Sector Engagement for Peacebuilding in Nepal. SASON Journal of Sociology and Anthropology, Volume 2. No 1. Upreti B. R. (2010), Impacts of armed conflicts on hotel tourism: Reflection from Nepal, SASON Journal of Sociology and Anthropology. 1, 130-146,
21. Upreti, B. R. (2008), Managing War to Peace transition in Nepal. Readings on Governance and Development. July, (XI), Pp. 35-49.
22. Upreti, B. R. (2007), Restructuring Nepal Army: Conflict transformation perspective. Nepal Journal of Contemporary Studies, Vol. 7, No 1, Pp. 69-94.
23. Upreti, B. R. (2007), Sustaining Peace through Conflict Sensitive Development Approach. ‘Participation', Nepalese Journal of Participatory Development, Year 9, No 9, Pp. 19-23.
24. Upreti, B. R. (2007). Nepal's Pathway for Peaceful Transformation and Challenges Ahead. Readings on Governance and Development. 8: 18-25.
25. Upreti, B. R. (2006). Framework for peace Process and negotiation in Nepal. Ahimsa Non Violence. Vol II, No 3 (May-June 2006), Pp-240-243.
26. Upreti B.R. (2006). People's Movement and Transformation of the State in Nepal: Challenges and Risks Ahead. Readings on Governance and Development, 7: 15-23.
27. Shivakoti, G. P., Ghale Y. and Upreti B. R. (2005), The ecological dynamics of low external input agriculture: A case study of hill farming in a developing country. The International Journal of Sustainable Development and World Ecology, Volume 12, Number 4, pp. 385-397.
28. Bharadwaj, N. Dhungana, S.K. and Upreti, B. R. (2004), Electoral Bottlenecks and Problems of Governance in Nepal. Kasarinlan, Philippine Journal of Third World Studies. 19(2):54-74.
29. Upreti, B. R. (2004). Nepal on Fire: A Tragedy of Triple Betrayal. South Asian Journal. December, Vol. 7. Pp. 136-146.
30. Upreti, B. R. (2004), Land Conflict in Nepal: Peasants' Struggle to Change Unequal Agrarian Social Relations. Journal of Community, Work and Family, Vol. 7, No 3, Pp. 371-394. 22. Upreti, B. R. (2004). Dynamics of Resource Governance, Resource Scarcity and Conflict in Nepal, Journal of Forest and Livelihoods, Vol. 4(1).
31. Upreti, B. R. (2004). Resource conflicts and their resolution practices in Nepal. Mountain Research and Development Journal Vol. 24.1 Pp. 60-66.
32. Upreti, B. R. (2004), Conflict over biomass energy development in the United Kingdom: Some Observations and lessons from England and Wales. Energy Policy Volume 2, Issue 6, Pp. 785-800.
33. Mackinlay, J. and Upreti, B. R. (2003). The King and Mao. World Today Vol. 59, No 2.
34. Upreti, B.R. (2003). Interactive Conflict Management: An Alternative Methodology to Address Social Conflict at Local level. International Journal of Development Issues, No. 2, Vol. 2, Pp.77-90.
35. Upreti, B. R. and Van der Horst, D. (2003), National renewable energy policy and local opposition in the UK: The failed development of a biomass electricity plant. Journal of Biomass and Bio-energy. 26:1, Pp. 61-69.
36. Upreti, B. R. (2003). People's participation in Peace Process in Nepal. Participation. 5(5) Pp 9-11.
37. Upreti, B. R. (2002). The Management of Natural Resource Conflict: Case Studies from Nepal. European Bulletin of Himalayan Research. Spring 2002 (22), Pp 37-60.
38. Upreti, B.R. and Upreti, Y. (2002). Factors Leading to Agro-biodiversity Loss in Developing Countries: The Case of Nepal. Biodiversity and Conservation. 11 (9), Pp. 1607-1621.
39. Upreti, B.R. (2002). Conflict analysis and impact assessment of development programmes and projects, Participation: A Participatory Development Journal 4(4), Pp. 13-17.
40. Upreti, B. R. (2001). Contributions of Community Forestry in Rural Social Transformation: Some Observations from Nepal. Journal of Forestry and Livelihoods. 1 (1), Pp. 31-34.
41. Upreti, B. R. (2000). Resource Use Negotiation as an Alternate Strategy for Sustainable Water Resource Management: Experience from Nepal. The Journal of Agricultural Education and Extension, International Journal on Changes in Knowledge and Action Systems 7(1), Pp. 11-20.
42. Upreti, B. R. (2000). RAAKS an Alternate Approach to Research and Development. Participation: A Participatory Development Journal 2 (2), Pp 5-10.
43. Upreti, B., Y. Ghale and B. Shrestha, (1999). Alternate Approach for Sustainable Agriculture: A Permaculture Perspective in Hill Farming Systems in Nepal. Sustainable Agriculture Journal 1(1) Pp. 1-20.
2. Selected books (written and co-edited):
1. Upreti BR, Bhattarai R, Wagle GS (2016) (eds.), Human Security in Nepal: Concepts, Issues and Challenges. New Delhi: Adroit Publishers.
2. Pyakuryal KN and Upreti B.R (2016), Research series Volume 3: Land, Agriculture and Agrarian transformation. New Delhi: Adroit Publishers.
3. Upreti BR, Sharma SR, Paudel SB (2016), Food Security in Post Conflict Nepal: Challenges and Opportunities. New Delhi: Adroit Publishers.
4. Upreti BR, Sharma SR, Upadhayaya, PK, Ghimire, S and Iff A. (2016), Making Business Count for Peace: Reflection from Tourism Sector in Nepal. New Delhi: Adroit Publishers.
5. Upreti, BR, Butler C. and Maharjan K. (2015). Climate insecurity and conflict in South Asia: Climate variability as a catalyst for social tension and insecurity. New Delhi: Adroit Publishers.
6. Parajuli, MN, Luitel, BC, Upreti, BR, Gaitam PR, Bhandari, BK, Dhakal, RK, and Munakarmi, R (2015), Nepali Society and Development Relevance of the Nordic Model in Nepal: Kathmandu: Royal Norwegian Embassy in Kathmandu, Nepal and Kathmandu University School of Education (KUSOED),
7. Upreti, BR (2015). Peace process and challenges of state building in Nepal (in Nepali language). Kathmandu: NCCR.
8. Upreti, BR (2015). Armed Conflict and its Impacts in Nepal (in Nepali language). Kathmandu: NCCR.
9. Ghimire A, Upreti BR, Gurung G, Thapa A., (2014). (eds.). Nepal Migration Year Book 2012. Kathmandu: NIDS and NCCR North-South.
10. Upreti BR, Sharma SR, Paudel SB, (2014). (eds.). Food Security in Post Conflict Nepal: Challenges and Opportunities. Kathmandu: Department of Development Studies, School of Arts, Kathmandu University and Nepal Centre for Contemporary Research (NCCR).
11. Sharma SR, Upreti BR, Manandhar P, Sapkota M, (2014). (eds.). Contested Development in Nepal: Experiences and Reflections. Kathmandu: School of Arts, Kathmandu University and Nepal Centre for Contemporary Research (NCCR).
12. Upreti BR, Upadhayaya PK, Sapkota T. (2013), (eds.). Tourism in Pokhara Issues, Trends and future prospect for peace and prosperity. Kathmandu: Pokhara Tourism council (PTC), Swiss National Center of Competence in Research (NCCR) North-South and Nepal Centre for Contemporary Research (NCCR).
13. Upreti BR,, Sharma SR, Upadhayaya, PK, Ghimire, S and Iff A. (2013). Making Business Count for Peace: Reflection from Tourism Sector in Nepal. Kathmandu: South Asia Coordination Office of NCCR North-South, Kathmandu University and Nepal Centre for Contemporary Research (NCCR).
14. Upreti BR,, Bhattarai R, Wagle GS, (2013). (eds.). Human Security in Nepal: Concepts, Issues and Challenges. Kathmandu: Nepal Institute for Policy Studies (NIPS) and South Asia Regional Coordination Office of NCCR (North-South).
15. Upreti BR,, Paudel, S.B and Ghimire, S, (2013). Ignored or Ill-represented? The Grievance of Terai-Madhes Conflict in Nepal. New Delhi: Adroit Publishers.
16. Sharma SR, Upreti BR, and Pyakuryal K. (2012). (eds.). Nepal 2030: A Vision for Peaceful and Prosperous Nation. Kathmandu: South Asia Regional Coordination Office of the Swiss National Centre of Competence in Research (NCCR) North-South.
17. Upreti Upreti BR, Zimmermann A. B., Debele, B. and Cisse G. (2012), Partnerships in Development-oriented Research: Lessons Learnt and Challenges Ahead, Kathmandu, South Asia Regional Coordination Office of the Swiss National Centre of Competence in Research (NCCR North-South).
18. Pyakuryal KN and Upreti BR, (2011) (eds.), Land, Agriculture and Agrarian transformation, Kathmandu: Consortium for Land Research and Policy Dialogue.
19. Upreti BR, Sharma, S. R., Pyakuryal, K.N. and Ghimire S. (2010), The Remake of a State: Post -conflict Challenges and State building in Nepal. Kathmandu: KU-HNRSC and RCO NCCR North-South.
20. Upreti BR, and Muller-Boeker, U. (eds.) (2010), Livelihood insecurity and social conflict in Nepal. Kathmandu: RCO NCCR North-South.
21. Upreti BR, (2010). Political change and challenges of Nepal: Reflection on armed conflict, peace process and state building. Volume 1. Saarbrucken: Lambert Academic Publishing.
22. Upreti, B. R. (2010). Political change and challenges of Nepal: Reflection on armed conflict, peace process and state building. Volume 2. Saarbrucken: Lambert Academic Publishing.
23. Upreti, B. R. (2009), Nepal from War to Peace: Legacies of the past and hopes for future. New Delhi: Adroit Publishers.
24. Upreti BR, Topperwin N. and Heiniger, M. (eds.) (2009), Peace Process and Federalism in Nepal: A Nepali Swiss Dialogue. Kathmandu: RCO SAS.
25. Upreti BR, Sharma, S. R. and Basnet, J. (eds.) (2008) Land Politics and Conflict in Nepal: Realities and
Potentials for Agrarian Transformation. Kathmandu: Community Self Reliance Centre, Human and Natural Resources Studies Centre, Kathmandu University and South Asia Regional Coordination Office of NCCR North-South.
26. Bächler G., Acharya N., Dammann P., Rajbandhari R. and Upreti BR, (2008), Nepal Building New Roads to Peace. Lalitpur: Jagadamba Press.
27. Pyakuryal K.N., Upreti BR, and Sharma S. R., (2008) (eds.). Nepal: Transition to Transformation. Kathmandu: HNRSC, NCCR North-South.
28. Upreti, BR, and Nepali, R. (2006) (eds.). Nepal at Barrel of Gun: Proliferation of Small Arms and Light Weapons and their Impacts. Kathmandu: South Asia Small Arms Network-Nepal.
29. Aditya, A., Upreti, BR, and Adhikari, P.K. (2006), Countries in Conflict and Processing of Peace: lessons for Nepal. Kathmandu: Friends for Peace.
30. Upreti, B. R. (2006), Armed Conflict and Peace Process in Nepal: The Maoist Insurgency, Past Negotiation and Opportunities for Conflict Transformation. New Delhi: Adroit Publishers.
31. Upreti, B. R. (2005) Dwndwa Byasthapan (Conflict Management). Kathmandu: Bhrikuti Academic Publications (in Nepali language).
32. Upreti, B. R. (2005) Nepal ma Maobadi Sasastra Dunda: Karan, Ashar ra amadhanka Prayashhru (Armed Maoist Conflict in Nepal: Causes, Consequences and Efforts for Resolution) (in Nepali language). Kathmandu: Bhrukati Academic Publications. 2005, Pp 440.
33. Upreti, B. R. (2004). The Price of Neglect: From Resource Conflict to Maoist Insurgency in the Himalayan Kingdom. Kathmandu: Bhrikuti Academic Publications.
34. Upreti, B. R. (2004) Dunda Byabasthapan Ka Sidhanta ra Byabahar (Principles and Practices of Conflict Management) (Nepali language). Kathmandu: Enabling State Programme.
35. Upreti, B. R. (2002) Management of Social and Natural Resource Conflict in Nepal: Reality and Alternative. Adroit Publishers, New Delhi.
36. Upreti, B. R. (2001), Conflict Management in Natural Resources: A Study of Land, Water and Forest Conflict in Nepal. Published PhD Dissertation. Wagenignen University.
3. Selected chapters in edited books
1. Upreti B.R. and Sapkota B. (2017), Case Study on Nepal: Observations and reflections on the peace and constitution- making process. Bern: Swiss Peace Foundation.
2. Upreti BR and Shrestha G (2017), Linking Migration, Mobility, and Development for Strengthening Adaptation to Climate and Disaster Risks: Reflections from Nepal. In Identifying Emerging Issues in Disaster Risk Reduction, Migration, Climate Change and Sustainable Development (eds), Karen Sudmeier-Rieux, Manuela Ferna´ndez, Ivanna M. Penna, Michel Jaboyedoff, J.C. Gaillard. Switzerland: Springer International Publishing. Pp.145-166.
3. Upreti B.R. and Acharya G.P. (2016), Shared Water Resources between Nepal and India: A Cooperation and Conflict Perspective. In: Mandal Monika (ed.), Water Resources Cooperation between India and Nepal. New Delhi: KW Publishers.
4. Schwilch G, Adhikari A., Jaboyedoff M., Jaquet S., KaenzigR., Liniger H., PennaI. M., Sudmeier-Rieux K and Upreti B. R. (2017) Impacts of Outmigration on Land Management in a Nepali Mountain Area. In: Identifying Emerging Issues in Disaster Risk Reduction, Migration, Climate Change and Sustainable Development: Shapping debates and policies (eds.) Sudmeier-Rieux, K., Fernández, M., Penna, I., Jaboyedoff, M., Gaillard, J. (Eds.). London: Springer. Pp 177-194.
5. Upreti, B.R. (2015), Livelihood Challenges in Post-Conflict Nepal. In: Tamang, S.R., Rijal U.N., and Joshi R.P. (eds.). Agrarian Revolution in Nepal: Dimensions of Probability. Kathmandu: Forum for Agrarian Concerns and Studies in Nepal. Pp. 206-223.
6. Upreti, BR; KC S.; and Tandukar, A. (2015), Public School Service Delivery: A Study from Rolpa District Nepal. In: Niazi, I; Aneel S. and Haroon, U. T. (eds.), Pathways to Sustainable Development. Islamabad: Sustainable Development Policy Institute and Sang-e-Meel Publications. Pp. 323-339.
7. Upreti, BR, KC S and Tandukar A (2015), "Livelihood Choices of Ethnic Groups and the Services Provided in Post-conflict Nepal" In: Creating Momentum: Today is Tomorrow (eds.), SDPI. Islamabad: Sang-e-Meel and Sustainable Development Policy Institute.
8. Upreti, B. R. (2014), The Business Sector in Peace Promotion: A Comparison of Business Engagement in Assam, India and Nepal. In: Cultivating Peace: Contexts, Practices and Multidimensional Models (eds) Helen Ware, Bert Jenkins, Marty Branagan and DB Subedi. Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. Pp. 132-153
9. Upreti BR, Ghimire S. and GhaleY (2013), Globalisation and Labour in Conflict-Engulfed Nepal (Chapter 5), In: Reddy DN (ed.) Globalization and Labour in SOuth Asia. Kathmandu: Panos South Asia. Pp.181-231.
10. Upreti, BR & P.K ,Upadhayaya(2013).Tourism in Pokhara: Nepal's pride and means for peace and prosperity.(chapter 1) in Upreti BR, Upadhayaya PK, Sapkota T, editors. 2013. Tourism in Pokhara Issues, Trends and future prospect for peace and prosperity. Kathmandu: Pokhara Tourism council (PTC), Swiss National center of contemporary Research (NCCR), Kathmandu.Pp.1-25.
11. Upreti, BR (2013). Environmental Security: Concepts, issues and problems (Chapter 9). In: Upreti BR, Bhattarai R and Wagle SG. (eds.) Human Security: Concepts, Issues and Challenges. Kathmandu: Nepal Institute of Policy Studies and NCCR North-South. Pp. 211-250.
12. Upreti, BR (2013). Environmental Security and Sustainable Development (Chapter 12). In: Rita Floyd and Richard Matthew (eds.) Environmental Security: Approaches and Issues. London and New York: Rutledge. Pp. 220-233.
13. Upreti, BR (2012). Security for peace and stability by 2030. In: Sharma SR, Upreti BR and Pyakuryal K
14. (eds.). 2012. Nepal 2030: A Vision for Peaceful and Prosperous Nation. Kathmandu: South Asia Regional Coordination Office of the Swiss National Centre of Competence in Research (NCCR) North-South.Pp 93110.
15. Upreti, BR (2012), Water and Food Insecurity: Non-traditional Security Challenges for Nepal. In: Nontraditional Security Challenges in Nepal (ed.) National Bureau of Asian Research. NBR Special Report (36). Seattle and Washington: The National Bureau of Asian Research. Pp. 21-34.
16. Upreti BR (2012). Federalism and Potential Conflicts: Reflection from Nepal. In: Aneel SS, Haroon UT, Niazi I. (eds.). Peace and Sustainable Development in South Asia. The Way Forward. Islamabad: Sustainable Development Policy Institute [SDPI] and Sang-e-Meel Publications. Pp 3-21, 2012.
17. Upreti BR (2011). Research partnerships and capacity development in the South: A social learning perspective. In: Wiesmann U, Hurni H, editors; with an international group of co-editors. Research for Sustainable Development: Foundations, Experiences, and Perspectives. Perspectives of the Swiss National Centre of Competence in Research (NCCR) North-South, University of Bern, Vol. 6. Bern, Switzerland: Geographica Bernensia. Pp. 73-90.
18. Upreti BR (2011). Potential Conflicts and Possible Response Provisions in Nepal's federal System. In: Tomislav D. and Pandey N. N. (eds.), Nepal's national Interests: Foreign Policy, Internal security, federalism, Energy-economy. Kathmandu: Centre for Asian Studies (CSAS) and KonradAdenauer Stiftung ev New Delhi. Pp. 109-123.
19. Upreti BR and Sigdel T. S. (2011). Political economy of conflict and agrarian change in Nepal, Pyakuryal KN and Upreti BR. (Eds.), Land, Agriculture and Agrarian Transformation, Kathmandu, Consortium for Land Research and Policy Dialogue (COLARP). Pp. 231-252.
20. Upreti BR, Shahbaz B, Sharma S. R. and Vinod C. P. (2010). The state, resource governance, and conflict: Reflections from South Asia. In: Hurni H, Wiesmann U, (eds.); with an international group of co-editors. Global Change and Sustainable Development: A Synthesis of Regional Experiences from Research Partnerships. Perspectives of the Swiss National Centre of Competence in Research (NCCR) North-South, University of Bern, Vol. 5. Bern, Switzerland: Geographica Bernensia. Pp. 299-312.
21. Upreti BR (2010). Livelihoods, institutions and migration in South Asia. In: Hurni H, Wiesmann U, editors; with an international group of co-editors. Global Change and Sustainable Development: A Synthesis of Regional Experiences from Research Partnerships. Perspectives of the Swiss National Centre of Competence in Research (NCCR) North-South, University of Bern, Vol. 5. Bern, Switzerland: Geographica Bernensia. Pp. 273-282.
22. Ghimire A. and Upreti BR (2012). The forgotten forces: Role of migrants in post-conflict Nepal, Upreti B.R.,
23. Sharma S.R., Pyakuryal K.N. and Ghimire S. (eds.), The Remake of a State: Post-conflict Challenges and
24. State Building in Nepal, South Asia Regional Coordination Office of the Swiss National Centre of Competence in Research (NCCR North-South) and Human and Natural Resources Studies Centre (HNRSC). Pp. 167-191.
25. Upreti BR (2010), Reconstruction and development in post-conflict Nepal, Upreti B.R., Sharma S.R., Pyakuryal K.N. and Ghimire S. (eds.), The Remake of a State: Post-conflict Challenges and State Building in Nepal, South Asia Regional Coordination Office of the Swiss National Centre of Competence in Research (NCCR North-South) and Human and Natural Resources Studies Centre (HNRSC). Pp. 129-149.
26. Upreti B. R. (2010), Proliferation of small arms and challenges to post-conflict state building, Upreti B.R., Sharma S.R., Pyakuryal K.N. and Ghimire S. (eds.), The Remake of a State: Post-conflict Challenges and
27. State Building in Nepal, South Asia Regional Coordination Office of the Swiss National Centre of Competence in Research (NCCR North-South) and Human and Natural Resources Studies Centre (HNRSC). Pp. 241-257.
28. Upreti B. R. (2010), Reconciliation and reintegration in post-conflict Nepal, Upreti B.R., Sharma S.R.,
29. Pyakuryal K.N. and Ghimire S. (eds.), The Remake of a State: Post-conflict Challenges and State Building
30. in Nepal, South Asia Regional Coordination Office of the Swiss National Centre of Competence in Research (NCCR North-South) and Human and Natural Resources Studies Centre (HNRSC). Pp. 259-285.
31. Ghimire S. and Upreti BR (2010), The post-conflict Trojan horse: Upsurge of urban crime as a challenge to state building, Upreti B.R., Sharma S.R., Pyakuryal K.N. and Ghimire S. (eds.), The Remake of a State: Post-conflict Challenges and State Building in Nepal, South Asia Regional Coordination Office of the Swiss National Centre of Competence in Research (NCCR North-South) and Human and Natural Resources Studies Centre (HNRSC). Pp. 211-239.
32. Shrestha L. and Upreti BR (2011), Reflection on land-based relationship between agrarian tension, armed conflict and human insecurity in Nepal, Pyakuryal K. Na. and Upreti B. R. (eds.), Land, Agriculture and Agrarian Transformation, Kathmandu, Consortium for Land Research and Policy Dialogue. Pp. 57-76.
33. Upreti BR and Sigdel TS (2011), Political economy of conflict and agrarian change in Nepal, Pyakuryal K.
34. N. and Upreti B. R. (eds.), Land, Agriculture and Agrarian Transformation, Kathmandu, Consortium for Land Research and Policy Dialogue. Pp. 231-252.
35. Upreti BR (2010), Conceptual framework for post-conflict state building, Upreti B.R., Sharma S.R., Pyakuryal K.N. and Ghimire S. (eds.), The Remake of a State: Post-conflict Challenges and State Building in Nepal, Kathmandu, South Asia Regional Coordination Office of the Swiss National Centre of Competence in Research (NCCR North-South) and Human and Natural Resources Studies Centre (HNRSC). Pp. 17-45. 24. Upreti BR and Müller-Böker U. (2010), Introduction. Upreti B. R. and Müller-Böker U. (eds.), Livelihood Insecurity and Social Conflict in Nepal, Kathmandu, South Asia Regional Coordination Office of the Swiss National Centre of Competence in Research (NCCR North-South). Pp. 1-7.
36. Upreti BR, Ghale Y. and Ghimire S. (2010), Food insecurity and conflict in Nepal, Salman Ayesha, Siddique S. and Haroon U. T, (eds.), Fostering Sustainable Development in South Asia: Responding to Challenges, Islamabad, Sustainable Development Policy Institute. Pp. 141-169.
37. Upreti BR (2010), Civil-military relations and political transition in Nepal, Salman A., Siddique S. and Haroon U. T. (eds.), Fostering Sustainable Development in South Asia: Responding to Challenges, Islamabad, Sustainable Development Policy Institute. Pp. 203-225.
38. Upreti BR (2010), Addressing livelihood insecurity and the need for further research, Upreti B. R. and Müller-Böker U. (eds.), Livelihood Insecurity and Social Conflict in Nepal, Kathmandu, South Asia Regional Coordination Office Swiss National Centre of Competence in Research (NCCR) North-South. Pp. 257-269.
39. Upreti BR (2010), A decade of armed conflict and livelihood insecurity in Nepal, Upreti B. R. and MüllerBöker U. (eds.), Livelihood Insecurity and Social Conflict in Nepal, Kathmandu, South Asia Regional Coordination Office Swiss National Centre of Competence in Research (NCCR) North-South. Pp. 9-42.
40. Upreti BR (2010), Livelihoods, Institutions and Migrations in South Asia, Hurni H. and Wiesmann U. (eds.), Global Change and Sustainable Development: A Synthesis of Regional Experiences from Research Partnerships. Perspectives of the Swiss National Centre of Competence in Research (NCCR) North-South Vol. 5, Bern, University of Bern, Geographica Bernensia. Pp. 273-282.
41. Upreti BR, Shahbaz, B., Sharma S.R. and Vinod C. P. (2010), The state, resource governance and conflict: Reflections from South Asia, Hurni H. and Wiesmann U. (eds.), Global Change and Sustainable
42. Development: A Synthesis of Regional Experiences from Research Partnerships. Perspectives of the Swiss National Centre of Competence in Research (NCCR) North-South Vol. 5, Bern, University of Bern, Geographica Bernensia. Pp. 299-312.
43. Upreti, BR (2010), Issues to be addressed by the new security policy of Nepal, Phuyal H. and Urscheler M. (eds.), The Security Sector Legislations of the Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal: Commentaries. Brambauer: Geneva Centre for the Democratic Control of Armed Forces and the Centre for European Studies. Pp. 107-112.
44. Ghimire A., Upreti BR and Pokharel S. (2010), Livelihood strategies of internally displaced people in Western Nepal: Some observations, Upreti B. R. and Müller-Böker U. (eds.), Livelihood Insecurity and Social Conflict in Nepal, Kathmandu, South Asia Regional Coordination Office Swiss National Centre of Competence in Research (NCCR) North-South. Pp. 217-252.
45. Upreti BR and Vanhoutte P. (2009), ‘Security Sector Reform in Nepal: Challenges and Opportunities', In Security Sector Reform in Challenging Environments, (eds.) Hans Born and Albrecht Schnabel. Münster: LIT. Pp. 165-187.
46. Upreti, BR (2009), Impact of Armed Conflict on Natural Resources in Nepal: Challenges for Environmental
47. Sustainability. In: Peace and Sustainable Development in South Asia: Issues and Challenges of Globalization (eds.), Antonia C. Settle, Imrana Niazi, Sarah Siddiq and Uzma T. Haroon. Lahore: Sang-eMeel Publications and SDPI. Pp. 169-190.
48. Upreti, BR and Upadhaya P. K. (2009), Armed Conflict and Tourism: Cost and Consequences in Nepal. In: Peace and Sustainable Development in South Asia: Issues and Challenges of Globalization (eds.), Antonia C. Settle, Imrana Niazi, Sarah Siddiq and Uzma T. Haroon. Lahore: Sang-e-Meel Publications and SDPI. Pp. 235-261.
49. Upreti, BR (2009), External Links of the Maoist Insurgency in Nepal. In Terrorism: Patterns of
50. Internationalization (eds.), Saikia J. and Stepanova, E. (2009). New Delhi: SAGE Publications. Pp. 93-117.
51. Matthew R. and Upreti, BR (2009), Environmental Change and Human Security in Nepal
52. In: Global Environmental Change and Human Security (Eds.) Matthew, R. A., Barnett, J., McDonald, B. and O'Brien, K. Arvine: MIT Press. Pp.137-154.
53. Upreti, BR (2009), 'External Engagement in the Nepal's Armed Conflict'. In: 'The Maoist Insurgency in Nepal: Dynamics and Growth in the Twenty-first Century' (eds.) Lawoti M. and Pahari, A., Routledge Publications. Pp.
54. Upreti BR (2007). Addressing structural causes of conflict and promoting peace through conflict sensitive development: Some lessons from Nepal. In: Dhungana H, Logan M, (eds.). Sustainable Development in Conflict Environments: Challenges and Opportunities. Kathmandu: Canadian Centre for International Studies and Cooperation (CECI). Pp. 53-66.
55. Upreti BR (2007). Changing political context, new power relations and hydro-conflict in Nepal. In: Rotberg F, Swain A, editors. Natural Resources Security in South Asia: Nepal's Water. Stockholm: Institute for Security and Development Policy. Pp. 15-65.
56. Upreti, BR (2008), Dispute Settlement at the Local Level: Observations and Lessons from Nepal (Chapter
57. 7). In: Gellner D. N. and Hachhethu, K. (eds.), Local Democracy in South Asia: Micro-processes of Democratization in Nepal and its Neighbours. Governance, Conflict, and Civic Action: Volume 1. New Delhi: Sage Publications. Pp.150-174.
58. Upreti BR (2008). Moving ahead: From Transition to Transformation. In: Pyakuryal KN, Upreti BR, Sharma SR, editors. Nepal: Transition to Transformation. Kathmandu: HNRSC, NCCR North-South. Pp. 201-222.
59. Basnet J. and Upreti BR (2008), Transformative Land Reform in Nepal: Ways Forward (Chapter 13). In: Land Politics and Conflict in Nepal: Realities and Potentials for Agrarian Transformation (eds.) Upreti, B. R.,
60. Sharma, S. R. and Basnet, J. Kathmandu: Community Self Reliance Centre, Human and Natural Resources Studies Centre, Kathmandu University and South Asia Regional Coordination Office of NCCR North-South. Pp. 243-265
61. Deuja J., Ram G. and Upreti BR (2008), Haruwas and Charuwas of Tarai (Chapter 10) ). In: Land Politics and Conflict in Nepal: Realities and Potentials for Agrarian Transformation (eds.) Upreti, B. R., Sharma, S. R. and Basnet, J. Kathmandu: Community Self Reliance Centre, Human and Natural Resources Studies Centre, Kathmandu University and South Asia Regional Coordination Office of NCCR North-South. Pp. 210218.
62. Upreti BR (2008), Land and Social Conflict (Chapter 6). In: Land Politics and Conflict in Nepal: Realities and Potentials for Agrarian Transformation (Eds.) Upreti, B. R., Sharma, S. R. and Basnet, J. Kathmandu: Community Self Reliance Centre, Human and Natural Resources Studies Centre, Kathmandu University and South Asia Regional Coordination Office of NCCR North-South. Pp. 109-141.
63. Upreti BR (2008), Land as Source of Marginalization and Conflict in Nepal (Chapter 1). In: Land Politics and Conflict in Nepal: Realities and Potentials for Agrarian Transformation (eds.) Upreti, B. R., Sharma, S. R. and Basnet, J. Kathmandu: Community Self Reliance Centre, Human and Natural Resources Studies Centre, Kathmandu University and South Asia Regional Coordination Office of NCCR North-South. Pp. 117.
64. Bhattarai-Ghimire A, Upreti BR (2008), Conflict Induced Displacement: An Emerging Phenomenon of Internal Migration in Nepal. In: Pyakuryal KN, Upreti BR, Sharma SR, eds. Nepal: Transition to Transformation. Kathmandu: HNRSC, NCCR North-South. Pp. 101-139.
65. Upreti, BR (2008), Dispute Settlement at the Local Level: Observations and Lessons from Nepal (Chapter
66. 7). In: Gellner D. N. and Hachhethu K. (eds.), Local Democracy in South Asia: Micro-processes of
67. Democratization in Nepal and its Neighbours. Governance, Conflict, and Civic Action: Volume 1. New Delhi: The Micro politics of Democratization: European South Asian Exchange on Governance, Conflict and Civic Action. Pp. 150-174.
68. Upreti, BR (2007), Addressing structural Causes of Conflict and Promoting Peace through Conflict Sensitive development: Some Lessons from Nepal. Chapter 6. In: Sustainable Development in Conflict Environments: Challenges and Opportunities (eds.) Dhungana, H. and Logan, M. Kathmandu: Canadian Centre for International Studies and Cooperation (CECI). Pp.53-66.
69. Upreti BR (2007), Social exclusion and conflict. In: Aditya, A. (ed.). Inclusive State: Reflection on Reinventing Nepal. Kathmandu: South Asia Partnership Nepal. Pp. 46-57.
70. Upreti, BR (2008), Towards a Culture of Constitutional Peace. In: Baechler, G. (ed.) "Citizens Peace. Visionary Nepal". Kathmandu: Jagadamba Press.
71. Upreti, B. R. (2007), Conflict transformation and peace building: Conceptual understanding and opportunities for implementation. In: Pyakuryal, K.N., March, K., and Acharya, B. (eds.) "Nepal in Conflict:
72. Theoretical Understanding, Conflict Resolution, Conflict transformation and Peace Building". Kathmandu: Sociological/Anthropological Society of Nepal. Pp. 12-52.
73. Upreti, BR and Dhungana, D. N. (2006). Peace Process and Negotiation in Nepal: Revisiting the Past and Envisioning the Future. In: Simkhada, S. R. and Oliva F. (eds.), The Maoist Insurgency in Nepal (Monograph). Pp. 214-252.
74. Mathew R. and Upreti, BR (2005), Nepal: Environmental Stress, Demographic Changes and the Maoists. Environmental Change and Security Programme Report, Issue 11. Woodrow Wilson International Centre for Scholars. Pp-29-39.
75. Upreti, BR (2005) Conflict transformation and Peace Building: Choices of Approaches and Strategies for Nepal. In: Readings on Governance and Development (Vol. V) Mukti Rijal (Ed.). Kathmandu: Institute of Governance and Development. Pp. 24-33.
76. Upreti, BR (2005). Conflict Resolution in Nepal: Traditional Approaches and the Question of Third Party Negotiation. In: Shrestha, A. P. and Upreti H. (eds.), Critical barriers to the Negotiation of Armed Conflict in Nepal. Kathmandu: Nepal Foundation for Advance Studies. Pp.65-96.
77. Upreti, BR (2004) Neglected Reality: Resource Governance and Conflict in Nepal. In: Readings on Governance and Development (Vol. III) Mukti Rijal (ed.). Kathmandu: Institute of Governance and Development. Pp. 95-111.
78. Upreti, BR (2001). External Intervention and Conflict: Experience from Farmers-Managed Irrigation System in Nepal. In: Challenges to Farmer-Managed Irrigation Systems. (eds.) Gautam, U and S. Rana. Kathmandu: Farmers-Managed Irrigation Systems Promotion Trust. Pp. 138-166.
79. Upreti, BR (2000). Beyond Rhetorical Success: Advancing the Potential for the Nepalese Community Forestry Programme to address Equity Concerns. In: Social Learning in Community Forest Management: Linking Concept and Practice. E. Wollenberg, D. Edmunds, L. Buck, J. Fox and S. Brodt (eds.) A Joint Publication of CIFOR and the East-West Center. Pp. 189-209.
80. Upreti, BR (2000). Community Level Water Use Negotiation Practice: An Implication for Water Resource Management. In: Water, Land and Law (eds.). Pradhan R., F. Benda-beckmann and K. Benda-Beckmann. Kathmandu: Freedeal, Wageningen Agricultural University and EU. Pp 249-269.
81. Upreti BR (2000). The Effects of Changing Land use Systems in Agricultural Biodiversity: Experiences and Lessons from Nepal. In: Xu Jianchu (ed.) Links Between the Culture and Biodiversity. Yunnan Science and Technology. Pp. 327-337.
82. Ghale, Y. and Upreti, BR (2000). Role of Indigenous Knowledge and Technology in Food Security. In: Adhikari, R, and Bhardwaj N. (eds.) Food Security: Prospects and Challenges. Kathmandu: ActionAid Nepal, Forum for Protection of Public Interests. Pp. 5-24.
4. Selected Policy Briefs:
1. Upreti, BR and Shrestha G. (2015), Exploring the inter-linkages between outmigration, land degradation and climate risk management. Kathmandu: NCCR.
2. Michel C, Stöckli B, Upreti BR, Wiesmann U. 2013. Research partnerships: the benefits of North- Southcollaboration. Evidence for Policy Series, Global Edition, No. 15. Bern, Switzerland: NCCR NorthSouth
3. Upreti BR (2013). Engaging the business sector in peace promotion in north-east India .Evidence for policy series, Regional edition South Asia, No 11, ed. Bishnu Raj Upreti. Kathmandu, Nepal: NCCR North-south.
4. Upreti BR, Ghimire S. (2013). Post-conflict state-building in Nepal: foundations for a stronger nation. Evidence for Policy Series, Regional edition South Asia, No. 9, ed. Bishnu Raj Upreti. Kathmandu, Nepal: NCCR North-South.
5. Upreti BR, Ghimire S. (2012). Post-conflict state-building in Nepal: foundations for a stronger nation. Evidence for Policy Series, Regional edition South Asia, No. 9, ed. Bishnu Raj Upreti. Kathmandu, Nepal: NCCR North-South.
6. Upreti BR (2012). Linking research with policy: Experiences and lessons form South Asia. Evidences for Policy Series, Regional edition South Asia, No. 6, ed. Bishnu Raj Upreti. Kathmandu, Nepal: NCCR NorthSouth.
7. Upreti BR and Nepali PB. (2012). Transformative land reform in South Asia. Evidence for Policy Series, Regional edition South Asia, No. 5, ed. Bishnu Raj Upreti. Kathmandu, Nepal: NCCR North-South.
8. Iff A, Upreti BR, Alluri R, Gurung RL. (2012). The pyramid of Business and peace. Evidence for policy series, Global Edition, No. 9.Bern, Switzerland: NCCR North-South.
9. Upreti BR, Ghimire S. and Iff A. (2012). Is Peace the Business of Business? An Exploration of Corporate Role in Conflict Transformation. A SAs RCO Discussion Paper. Kathmandu: South Asia Office of the NCCR North-South.
10. Ghimire A and Upreti BR (2011). Addressing issues and concerns of Internally Displaced Persons in Nepal. Evidence for Policy Series, Regional edition South Asia, No. 3, ed. Bishnu Raj Upreti. Kathmandu: NCCR North-South.
11. Sharma SR, Upreti BR and Upadhayaya PK (2011). Community based and peace-sensitive tourism: Fulfilling Nepal's potentials. . Evidence for Policy Series, Regional edition South Asia, No. 3, ed. Bishnu Raj Upreti. Kathmandu, Nepal: NCCR North-South.
12. Upreti BR (2010). Nepal's peace process and challenges ahead. Evidence for Policy Series, Regional edition South Asia, No. 1, Nepal: NCCR North-South.
13. Upreti BR, Shahbaz B. (2010). Mediated policy dialogues to address conflict over natural resource governance. Evidence for Policy Series, Regional edition South Asia, No. 2, ed. Bishnu Raj Upreti. Kathmandu, Nepal: NCCR North-South.
5. Peer reviewed selected discussion papers/evidence papers/conference papers
1. Tandukar A., KC S., Upreti BR, Paudel SB, Acharya G., and Harris D. (2015), The Effectiveness of Local Peace Committee (LPC) in Nepal: A study from Bardiya. Working Paper 40. London: Secure Livelihoods Research Consortium/Overseas Development Institute.
2. Paudel SB, Upreti BR, Acharya G. Tandukar A. and Harvey P. (2015), Health services and users' perceptions of the state in Rolpa, Nepal. London: Secure Livelihoods Research Consortium/Overseas Development Institute.
3. Acharya G., Upreti BR, Paudel SB, Tandukar A. and Harvey P. (2015), The drinking water service and users' perceptions of the state in Rolpa, Nepal. London: Secure Livelihoods Research Consortium/Overseas Development Institute.
4. Paudel SB, Upreti BR, Acharya G., Tandukar, A. and Harvey, P. (2015), Taking the temperature: Health services in Nepal and users' perceptions of the state. Working Paper 36. London: Secure Livelihoods Research Consortium/Overseas Development Institute.
5. Acharya G., Upreti BR, Paudel SB, Tandukar A. and Harria D. (2015) Drinking Water and Sanitation Programme of Nepal's LGCDP. Working Paper 45. London: Secure Livelihoods Research Consortium/Overseas Development Institute.
6. Tandukar A., KC S., Upreti BR, Paudel SB, Acharya G., and Harvey P.(2015), Education services and users' perceptions of the state in Rolpa, Nepal. Working Paper 37. London: Secure Livelihoods Research Consortium/Overseas Development Institute.
7. KC S., Upreti BR., Acharya G., Tandukar A., Paudel S. and Babajanian B. (2015). The old age allowance and the perceptions of the state. Working Paper 25. London: Secure Livelihoods Research Consortium/Overseas Development Institute.
8. Upreti BR, (2014). Settling local conflicts in Nepal: Different mechanisms and practices. Kathmandu: Nepal Centre for Contemporary Research.
9. Upreti BR, (2014). Nationalism and militarization: Outcomes of decade-long armed conflict in Nepal. Kathmandu: Nepal Centre for Contemporary Research (NCCR).
10. Upreti BR, Uprety P, Hagen-Zanker J, KC S, and Mallett R, (2014), Surveying livelihoods, service delivery and governance: baseline evidence from Nepal. London: Secure Livelihoods Research Consortium/Overseas Development Institute.
11. Upreti BR, (2014). Communication of political leaders in managing post-conflict transition in Nepal. Kathmandu: South Asia Regional Coordination Office of National Centre of Competence in Research (NCCR) North-South and Nepal Centre for Contemporary Research.
12. Upreti BR (2014). Settling local conflict in Nepal: Different mechanisms and practices. Kathmandu: Nepal Centre for Contemporary Research.
13. Upreti BR (2013). Management of post-conflict Political transition in Nepal: Issues and challenges. Perspectives shared at the 32nd National Management Convention and Annual General Meeting on 8thFebruary 2013 organized by Management Association of Nepal (MAN) at Hotel Annapurna.
14. Upreti BR (2013). Nepal-India water cooperation for energy security. Perspective shared at the event ‘Water cooperation for energy security', jointly organized by the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Energy and Resources Institute at India Habitat Centre from 21-22 March 2013 on the occasion of the World Water Day 2013.
15. Upreti, BR, KC S., Mallett R. and Babajanian B. with Pyakuryal K., Ghimire S., Ghimire A. and Sharma S.R. (2012), ‘Livelihoods, basic services and social protection in Nepal. Secure Livelihoods Research Consortium Working Paper 7. London: Overseas Research Institute.
16. Upreti, BR (2012). Research partnership in South Asia: Learning and Lessons. SAS RCO Discussion paper-4. Kathmandu: South Asia Regional Coordination Office of NCCR North-South.
17. Upreti BR (2012). Research for Development: Concepts and Orientation. SAS RCO Discussion Paper. Kathmandu: NCCR North-South, South Asia Coordination Office (SAS).
18. Upreti BR and Ghimire A. (2012), Conflict, Transition, and Challenges to Nepal's Peace Process, An NCCR North-South Discussion Paper. Kathmandu: NCCR North-South, South Asia Coordination Office.
19. Upreti BR, Ghimire S and Iff A (2012). Is Peace the Business of Business? An Exploration of Corporate Role in Conflict Transformation. An SAs RCO Discussion Paper. Kathmandu: South Asia Office of the NCCR North-South.
20. Upreti, BR (2009), Civil-military relation and political transition in Nepal. A paper presented at the international Conference ‘Fostering Sustainable Development in South Asia: Responding to Challenges' Organised by Sustainable Development Policy Institute at Islamabad, 21-23 December 2009.
21. Upreti, BR, Ghale Y. and Ghimire S. (2009), Food insecurity, social tension and political conflict in Nepal. A paper presented at the international Conference ‘Fostering Sustainable Development in South Asia: Responding to Challenges' Organised by Sustainable Development Policy Institute at Islamabad, 21-23 December 2009.
22. Upreti, BR and Ghale Y. (2009), Impacts of Armed Conflict on Biodiversity in Nepal. A paper presented at the DIVERSITAS Open Science Conference 2 ‘Biodiversity and society: Understanding connection, adapting to change', 13-16 October 2009, Cape Town, South Africa.
23. Upreti, BR (2009), Armed Conflict in Nepal and the Resilience of Human Rights Defenders. A position paper prepared for the meeting to be organised by Women's Rehabilitation Centre (WOREC) and Isis-Women's International Cross-Cultural Exchange (Isis-WICCE) in 14-15 September 2009 at Kathmandu.
24. Upreti, BR (2009), Role of Research in policy processes in transitional countries: Experiences from NCCR North-South. A paper presented at ‘Regional Workshop on Linking Research with Policy in South Asia' organised by Forest Action in collaboration with Centre for Policy Analysis (Sri Lanka) and Overseas Development Institute (UK) from 6-7 August, Kathmandu.
25. Upreti, BR and Ghale Y. (2009), Impacts of Armed Conflict on Biodiversity in Nepal. A paper presented at the AIT International Conference on Knowledge Management for Sustainable Development, Dec 10-12, 2009, Kathmandu.
26. Upreti, BR (2009), Impacts of Small Arms in the Peace Process of Nepal: Role and Responsibility of Policy Makers. A discussion paper presented at the Interaction Program on ‘Impacts of the Small Arms in Peace Process and Domestic Violence', jointly organized by International Action Network on Small Arms, SAPA-Nepal and IHRICON, on the occasion of AIANSA Week of Action Against Gun Violence 15-21 June 2009 at Kathmandu on 14 June 2009.
27. Upreti, BR (2008), Logical Conclusion of the Nepal's Peace Process: What, When and How? A discussion paper presented at Interaction programme on 'Logical Conclusion of Peace Process' organized by Nepal Public Administration Association on 22 August at Hotel Orchid, Kathmandu.
28. Upreti, BR (2008), Women's Role in Nepal's Peace Process with Special Reference to Inclusion in Peace Structures. A paper presented at the national seminar on 'Women in Constitution' organized by Women for Peace and Justice (Core Committee) at Hotel Yak and Yati, Kathmandu, 18-19 August 2008.
29. Upreti, BR (2008), Security Systems in Nepal: Immediate Concerns and Long term Perspectives. A paper presented at the national seminar on 'Security Issues in the Current Political Scenario of Nepal' organized by Human Rights Alliance on 22 August 2008 at Hotel Himalya, Kathmandu.
30. Upreti, BR (2008), Logical Conclusion of the Nepal's Peace Process: What, When and How? A discussion paper presented at Interaction programme on 'Logical Conclusion of Peace Process' organized by Nepal Public Administration Association on 22 August at Hotel Orchid, Kathmandu.
31. Upreti, BR (2008), Women's Role in Nepal's Peace Process with Special Reference to Inclusion in Peace Structures. A paper presented at the national seminar<